
»Red Flag«

»Red Flag« is a column on Berlin politics by Nathaniel Flakin. It appeared in Exberliner magazine from 2020 to 2023 and found a new home at the Berlin newspaper »nd« – as their first content in English. If you like a regular dose of very local communist content, please share. Nathaniel is also the author of the anticapitalist guide book Revolutionary Berlin.

03.07.2024 von Nathaniel Flakin

AfD in Germany: Setting the agenda

Tens of thousands of people mobilized against the far-right AfD last Saturday. The government is nonetheless implementing parts of the Far Right's agenda. Nathaniel Flakin is worried.

21.06.2024 von Nathaniel Flakin

We want Vacation Communism without apartheid

The Fusion Festival starts on Wednesday. After criticism, the organizers of this left-wing party have had to speak out against genocide. Nathaniel Flakin comments on the Middle East debates surrounding the event.

29.05.2024 von Nathaniel Flakin

Tiny changes could reduce deaths on Berlin's streets

Berlin's government does little to prevent dozens of people from being killed by cars every year. Yet Nathaniel is hopeful that a few bollards in his neighborhood – a Kiezblock – could make things safer.

24.04.2024 von Nathaniel Flakin

Dangerous Language Bans at Pro-Palestine Camp in Berlin

Gaeilge is an official EU language. Yet when Irish activists tried to speak it at a protest camp in Berlin, they were threatened with arrest. Repression in Germany is getting more absurd, says Nathaniel Flakin.

27.02.2024 von Nathaniel Flakin

Berlinale: Filmmakers say what the rest of the world is saying

At the Berlinale film festival, Israeli and Palestinian filmmakers called for equality and peace. German politicians want to ban such hateful talk. Nathaniel Flakin says that this represents a new form of antisemitism.

17.01.2024 von Nathaniel Flakin

The German government is paving the way for the Far Right

The far-right AfD wants to deport millions of people from Germany. But the government is also ramping up the deportation machine. You can't fight racists by implementing their policies, says Nathaniel Flakin.

20.12.2023 von Nathaniel Flakin

The German government is attacking Jewish life in Germany

Olaf Scholz says he wants to protect Jewish life in Germany. Then why are so many Jews getting censored for criticizing Israel? Germany's unconditional support for Israel is bad for Jewish life, says Nathaniel Flakin.

06.12.2023 von Nathaniel Flakin

Berlin teachers are fighting for all of us

Today and tomorrow, educators in Berlin are on strike yet again. In the last two years, it’s been 17 strike days – not always fun for parents. A guide to the alphabet soup of union struggles in Germany.

30.11.2023 von Nathaniel Flakin

Robert Habeck wrote a play praising a right-wing mass murderer

Germany's Green vice chancellor strikes many as an idealist who has been struggling with the tough realities of government. Yet before he was a national politician, he wrote a play that opens a window into a dark soul.

02.11.2023 von Nathaniel Flakin

In Berlin, Jews and Palestinians Are Demonstrating Together

This Saturday, Jewish Voice and Palestinian Speaks are organizing a demonstration against the ongoing war in Gaza. Thousands of »Ausländer« will take to the streets. Nathaniel Flakin wonders if any Germans will join.

20.09.2023 von Nathaniel Flakin

We'll need more than orange paint to stop fossil capital

The Last Generation's demands are almost amusingly moderate, says Nathaniel Flakin. We need nothing less than a radical transformation of the global economy to save ourselves. Climate activism must be anticapitalist.

22.08.2023 von Nathaniel Flakin

How East Germany got overrun by Nazis

The AfD is riding high in the polls, winning their best results in East Germany. The GDR once declared it was building socialism – why have so many of its former citizens turned towards the far-right? An investigation.

09.08.2023 von Nathaniel Flakin

Why Berlin is building offices and not affordable housing

In Berlin anything seems more profitable than real housing. But the capitalists will find a way to give us affordable apartments, says Nathaniel Flakin – if they are terrified that we will expropriate them otherwise.

27.07.2023 von Nathaniel Flakin

Pride should be a protest, not a party

Christopher Street Day in Berlin is a festival of pinkwashing, full of corporations, cops and conservative politicians. A new demonstration takes up the tradition of the Stonewall Riots.

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